The pasControl application can be launched interactively or from the command line when maintenance operations need to be performed.
When launched from the command line the application has the following syntax:
pasControl.exe [-? | [ -Backup | -Compact | -Repair | -Reset | -Restore | -Verify ] ]
•? - displays the command line syntax to the end user
•Backup - creates a backup copy of the pasControl configuration database for the current user
•Compact - reclaims space from deleted items and removes free space from the current user's database file
•Repair - attempts to recover a damaged database for the current user - some data loss may occur
•Reset - wipes out all configuration options for the current user and resets the application to default settings
•Restore - restores pasControl database information from the last known good backup file (if present)
•Verify - verifies the integrity of the current user's configuration database
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